Good evening…everyone
I am Nichaphat DETKAMHAENG, you can call me "TAN", as a master student from Department of Fisheries Products, faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart university (KU). I am a member of summer school and the comprehensive/specialized subjects of PARE program 2014. Now, I study in faculty of Fisheries at Hakodate university. I am a student of Professor Kunihiko Konno.
I miss my friends…sensei…and everybody in summer school PARE program. I cannot forget everybody that help, recommend, teach and care me (I cannot speak and write as a word). And I don't forget skills from this program that is a basic skill in order to improve more skills. I will keep this memory in my mind.
Now, I start comprehensive/specialized subjects of PARE program. I have Japanese class and Introduction of Fisheries class that start on October 2014.
Archive for September 2014
Self Introduction-Nichaphat DETKAMHAENG

Self-Introduction and Summer School Experiences

-Self Introduction-
Hallo everyone,,.,. Konichiwa minna san,.
I am Laura Flowrensia, please call me 'Rara". I am master student of Silviculture, faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia. Thankfully, I am a member of PARE Program 2014, and now I am study at Entomology Sytematics Laboratory, faculty of Agriculture, under guidance of Shinichi Akimoto sensei. And I can't wait to start my laboratory works. Hahahahaha,.
It is already a month that I have been in Hokkaido,.,but it feel like it is Yesterday that I had finished "Summer School PARE Program" complete with the interested-hectic schedules. I can not remember- to forget all the Summer School activities. I still clearly remember Kobayashi sensei lecturer about animal productions, and pesticides and food additives by Hashidoko sensei on the first day of Summer School class at Office of International Affairs (OIA).
Group discussion, paper reports and group debate suddenly became something I miss,.#eeeh Hahahahaha (LOL). This page can not never enough to provide my experiences as part of PARE Family, such as : class discussions, field works, preparation for presentation, and especially the stories behind the presentation itself. It is unbelieveable everyone succeed to perform smoothly with those limit preparation time. PARE Program is some kind of beyond out of doubt.
I believe everyone have a good remembrances in this PARE Program. Eventhough english not the mother language anyone of us, we keep trying our best to sound our ideas. I am a hundread percent impressed by tenacity of my PARE friends. Miss you PARE friends,.,especially the Summer School ones, and of course,. Hokudate group. 555555555 (LOL).
PARE ID : PARE26-001
Laura Flowrensia

Final Report

Final Report
Kasetsart University
Group No.
The master plan of ours
group discussion is water conservation. The details of discussion talk about
the ways to conserve natural water resources especially ground water. The
main cause of problem are human activities so necessary to think about how to
protect natural water resources from human activities. Why our group focus on
the water resources it is the most important thing that our group discuss at
the first time. Because we think water resources are the most important
factor in food web chain. Ours group separate human activities that effect on
the water resources in 4 main topics. The first one is agriculture, industry,
household and forestry respectively. Most of all in human activities impact
on water resources in the large-scale especially agriculture, industry and
household these thing are the daily activities that destroy water resources
when water resources be affected by some factor it can effected food web
chain too. Rapid growth in population make food demand increase too so if we
don’t conserve the water resources in the present it will be make the
negative impact in the large-scale in the future. Ours group the master plan
suggested the way to conserve water resources by conservation and wisely
consume method. The method to conservation and wisely consume the water
resources by in agriculture activities we don’t excess water use in
cultivation and protected water contamination from chemical that use in
agriculture process. Industry and household activities often make the
qualities of water resources decrease in ours group master plan the solution
idea that we use for treat the poor condition water from industry and
household activities are the sea weed pond. We use sea weed to absorb and
treat the water and then sent to the aquaculture pond this method help us to
conserve water and decrease water consume in this activities. Forestry
conservation related to water resources if forestry low remains it had the
big impact to natural water resources. Our master plan propose in the micro
hydro power plant by choose the hill land to use benefit from water fall. The
main benefit we will produce electricity from water fall by independent micro
electricity. The electricity from this micro hydro power plant will use for
supply in the small village because we think the small scale can control the
activities more easier than big cities scale. In the village we will make the
activities to be the unities for control easier.
In our master plan
village we will research about effect of micro hydro electricity on water
consume efficiency in small village. This research will conduct in our master
plan village to study about the efficiency of water consume when produce
electricity by hydro power. Because in my opinion when we used the water
resources in another way it can effect other way water consume so this
research will help us to evaluate the point that are most optimized to use
water power to produce electricity to supply village and which point are most
optimized to use water resources to supply human activities demand.

Final Report

final report PARE 2014
Universitas Gadjah Mada
BUDI Firman Shantya
Group No.