Good evening…everyone
I am Nichaphat DETKAMHAENG, you can call me "TAN", as a master student from Department of Fisheries Products, faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart university (KU). I am a member of summer school and the comprehensive/specialized subjects of PARE program 2014. Now, I study in faculty of Fisheries at Hakodate university. I am a student of Professor Kunihiko Konno.
I miss my friends…sensei…and everybody in summer school PARE program. I cannot forget everybody that help, recommend, teach and care me (I cannot speak and write as a word). And I don't forget skills from this program that is a basic skill in order to improve more skills. I will keep this memory in my mind.
Now, I start comprehensive/specialized subjects of PARE program. I have Japanese class and Introduction of Fisheries class that start on October 2014.
Self Introduction-Nichaphat DETKAMHAENG

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