Dear Friends,
Through the grace of God, we are almost bidding 2014 goodbye. This year was indeed a prosperous one for me, with several milestones coming to pass.
This is the year that I met all of you, and so you can appreciate that my friends list grew immensely. I am grateful to have met you, you, and you. Thank you for every moment we shared; a chat, laughter, a smile, a grin, a snub, and all manner of occasions that we engaged in together.
This is the year that I earned the opportunity to come to HU, an opportunity to build my research skills, expand my cross-cultural capacity, cultivate the frontier spirit in me, increase my knowledge, and multiply my experience.
This is the year that I sired another offspring and thus doubling my fatherhood, increasing my kingdom, and multiplying my wisdom.
This is the year that is leading us to the next one. May we brace ourselves for the leap, the leap that will strengthen our friendship further, the leap that will culminate in yet greater things in each of us.
I take this juncture to wish each one of us a very prosperous, rewarding, and splendid 2015.
Yours truly,
Open Letter: End Year Greetings

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