There are so many events that I enjoyed on the sidelines during the
research experiments. Here it is.... :D
1. Ecube (E3) Cooking Competition 2014
On Friday, 12 December 2014, Indonesian team participated in
the cooking competition held by e3 (Engineering English Education) student
organizer. Indonesian team member were Isma Rosyida (Faculty of Letter), Doddy
Juli Irawan (Faculty of Environmental Science), Shofa Rijalul Haq (Faculty of
Engineering), Dhina Fitriastuti (Faculty of Environmental Science), Muklish Jamal
(Faculty of Environmental Science) and Fadhila Shanaz (Faculty of Engineering).
This cooking competition was a part of the year end party or usually called
Bonenkai in Japanese.

In this opportunity Indonesians team introduce and served
several food from Indonesia’s main islands, Java Island and Bali Island. The
foods are as follows; Nasi Liwet (Rice from West Java), Sate Lilit (Balinese
Sate), Tahu Brontak (Tofu from East Java), Bakmi Jowo (Noodle from Central
Java), and three types of special “Sambal” chili sauces.

At the end of the event, closing ceremony was closed by the
prize giving for winner. Indonesian team was announced to be the 1st winner,
then Bangladesh and India respectively became 2nd, and 3rd winner. Yeayy. :D
2. Flash Mob in Cultural event 2014
There is a cultural event that was held in Sapporo Eki Underground Chika-ho Kita 3 on Dec 13 2014. At that event, Indonesian team (PPI) also performed some dance and the end, we asked the viewers to dance with us. It was called as a Flash Mob. It was so fun! Here is the video. :)
3. Nusantara Sapporo Indonesia (NSI) - PPIH - PPIS Bonenkai Party
The party was held on Dec 20 2014 in L Plaza Kita 8 Nishi 4 (near JR station). It was provided a cooking class and bingo game. Beside that, they also performed a traditional music and dance. In this event, I also performed dance again with Charisa Glesiandra and Desi Utami.
Thanks for reading my post! (DF)