Hello everyone...
This is my first blog since I arrived in Sapporo. Well, let me introduce my self. My name is Dhina Fitriastuti, please call me Dhina. Maybe its the same as Japan pronounciation with "dinner". Hehehe. I am a master course student from Department of Chemistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Now, I am join the PARE long term program as a Special Auditor in Okino Sensei's Laboratory, Graduate School of Environmental Science. My research is about isolation of heterosporin compound of cyanobacterium A. heterospora. Now, I am still growing up the cyanobacter in the culture. While waiting for the cyanobacter, I am also doing some experiment in Sakairi Sensei's Laboratory for some synthesis in my thesis research.
Actually, I was joined PARE summer school last year. It was pleasure for me so I can come back again in Sapporo! All of my PARE's friend have like a reunion and it was so fun. We were talking about what happen during this one year. Our friendship makes Sapporo feels like home. :D
I am so happy to meet (again) all of you guys. Thank you PARE Program for letting me join again this year. I will use this 5 month to gain knowledge, make a research link, learning about culture, enjoy the sightseeing around Sapporo and of course, finish my research. Ganbatte kudasai ne!