Hello from Sapporo :)..
I would like to introduce my self. My fullname is Arif Sugiharto but you can call me Sugi. Now I’m master student in Mechanical Engineering of Institut Teknologi Bandung, for PARE long term program I’m Joined with BioMechanical and Design Laboratory. My supervisor in Hokkaido University is Prof. Shigeru TADANO. He is professor who's very kind and discipline.
My room for PARE longterm program at J211 in Engineering Building. There are 9 students in my room. They are Okabe, Toyota, Uwamino, Takagi, Taki, Fukazawa, Kurashima and Komori and there is 1 technician he is Takada -San. He is very kind people. In the first week of joined with this Laboratory, I was invited to watched a baseball game among laboratory and also watched a robot contest. I am very glad to be joined with this laboratory.
interested in studying mechanical engineering, I am also interested to learn
the history, art and culture in Sapporo. In every weekend I visited interesting
places there are in Sapporo, this is I did to know about the Sapporo city.
Activities that I did called Sunday Picnic. Perhaps there are a friends who wants
to join me to do the Sunday Picnic, please contact me. For a Sunday picnic
documentation can be found at the following link : http://sapporosundaypicnic.tumblr.com/ .. Let's doing Sunday Picnic together before falling snow in Sapporo :)
On the next day I'll tell you about my activities during PARE Long term Program. about life in the dormitory, in the laboratory and of course about Sunday Picnic.
Best Regards
Hello from Sapporo !!!!!!!
Hello from Sapporo !!!
my friends from BioMechanical and Design Laboratory in Contest Robot
(from left to right: Toyota- Okabe- Takagi- Fukazawa)
Welcoming party with laboratories friends
Playing Baseball
Nice Catch

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