2 months ago, 25 August 2015, is the day when i leave my country, Indonesia. Time flies so fast right?, I still remember the first i came here, the trees leaf still green and the temperature is not very cold, but now everything has changed. the green leafs changed its color and then fall one by one and the temperature is becoming colder and colder each day. huff.., but i'm very happy and enjoy my live in Sapporo.
Every day when i go to my laboratory in engineering building, I always passed the ginko road, i see the changing color of the ginko tree from its original color (green) to yellow color, and it was very beautiful, and that place has very nice sight, so there are many people want to take photo in there ( including me haha ).
So, take care of your health and enjoy your weekend guys :)
See you again next month..
Best Regards.
Time flies so fast

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