Finally, I had a welcome party in my laboratory. LOL. Even though I already stay in my laboratory almost two months but two last weeks Sensei held welcome party. Yeah, because we have to wait another internship student from Poland. At the welcome party, we learned how to say " I love you" in many languages such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, Poland and of course Japan. I wish I can show you the picture but it's okay.
As you know when October, 28th all of the professor from PARE participant come to Hokkaido University and also with my professor. Of course they have to meet our supervisor in Hokudai and also we have to brief presentation about our research and study plan in here. In that week I feel a little bit tired because I have to prepare so many presentation. But, after that I got holiday and I went to
中島公園 (Nakajima Park) with my friends
Yeah, they are my friends. They come from China and Philippine. After that we have welcome housing party in one of my friends and end up stay there until 1 AM. LOL. Lately, the weather easily change so we have to take care our healthy and my Sensei always says like that if I want to go dormitory. Yeah, that's true because this weekend winter season will start. We have to prepare anything. LOL. See you next time when most all of you share about winter experience....^^

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