Hi dearest reader…
Here are some my activities I had in the last two weeks. On the second week of November 2013, I and four friends had a chance to give presentation in environmental ethics class. Subject of the presentation was related to relation between application of logical thinking and normative discussion on the analysis of “Darwin’s nightmare”. Our problem statement on that presentation was social inequality.
On 8th Nov 2013, all of member of
CENSUS (center for sustainability) attended award ceremony of Sustainability
Research Poster Contest. You can find details article about it in Hokkaido
University homepage: http://sustain.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/sw/pic/. One of our lab members namely Mr. Devon was given award in outstanding
presentation category on the subject of human well-being.
On 19th Nov 2013 I wrote an
article about winter in Hokkaido for the Indonesian Student Association
homepage. You can find it here: http://www.ppi-hokkaido.org/iKolomMahasiswa5_AriSuharto

On 23-24 nov 2013 I
will visit Hakodate to attend event of final presentation by participants of
ECOSUS Aqua and will share the experience in my next report.