Hello readers,
First, let me introduce my self. My name is Tri Rani Puji Astuti. You can call me, Rani. I'm a master student of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. It was my great experience in my life that i could join the PARE (Population-Academic-Resources-Environment) Program. Thanks for the chance! :)
I have several expectation in Hokkaido University. The first thing that i want to finish my thesis research so i can be graduated soon in master degree. My thesis research is about the sandstone diagenetic. My supervisor is Otake Sensei and he is very kind person. And then, i want to know how the academic system in Japan. That was so great to see a lot of student who come from different country. We are learned about Japanese language. So awesome! :)
I was so happy in here because i got a lot of friends in my laboratory. One week ago, they celebrated "welcome party" for me. All of the member of my laboratory was attended the party. It was included the Otake Sensei's family and Sato Sensei's family. I ate japanese food like sushi, nabe, sashimi, and so on. I never forgot this moment. Thanks for your kind! ^^
I'm waiting for the great moment again. Thanks for your attention. See you :)
Best Regards,
Welcome Hokkaido University

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