Let met introduce myself first. My name is Rudini Wirawan Sudewa, I am from Graduate School of Engineering in Bandung Institute of Technology, majoring in Aeronautics & Astronautics.
My involment in this program start from the summer school, when the weather, as you know is rather hot. But not Tropical Hot. Just Hot. In the summer school, I learnt a lot about Japanese Culture, especially the food, btw the food in the summer school is very great, it is very different with my daily food at the campus cafetaria. I also learn about the Japanese people, that very discipline and punctual with time, very different with my country, so I have to adapt with this new culture. I also learn new things in the summer school, like agriculture, animals, enviromental, and things i never heard of before, and it is fascinating to know all those things. It give new perspective to see problems and I hope it is useful to solve problems in my country.
I have spent the last 3 months in Sapporo. Starting from the weather is Hot - A little Bit Hot - Breezy - Cold. Now the weather is very cold. It is 5 degree celcius. In the morning, i heard it's like 1 or 2 degree celcius, so that makes waking up in the morning is rather hard things to do nowadays since futon and blanket won't let me go from bed.
Well, that's all from me. I will update again next month.
Rudini Wirawan SUdewa
Hi !

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