Haii, Apa kabar?? (How are you??), 

My name is Priyo Adi Nugroho I am 2nd years student of Soil Science and Land resources Management in Bogor Agriculture University (IPB). I am exchange student in Hokkaido University for one year. I would like to thank to PARE program for giving me an opportunity in joining this program. It is an honour for me to join in a world class research university.

Emission is a hot issue in our world now. Agricultural activities emits 13.5% from the total of anthropogenic (human activities) CO2, CH4 and N2O. My little ambition in PARE program is to get more comprehensive knowledge (in research method particularly) of gasses emission from the soil. Therefore it will improve my ability and indirectly I will also learn about how to manage laboratory. The most important is, hopefully it could be applied in my university and my work.   

I am sorry for being late to post because a problem in my google account.

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