Nowadays Sapporo has very nice weater, well at lesat lately. It's been not too hot, but not too cold. Just breeze, not freeze. But it's still considered cold for tropical people like me. Anyway, last night I heard that there is an earthquake in Japan at 2.00 AM, of which the effect of it can be felt in the Sapporo also. People said that they can feel their furniture shaking or something move beneath them, but I sleep very well last night, not woken up by the earthquake. Guess my body inertia is so big until it can not felt the movement, well except a very big movement, like if the earthquake epicenter is directly beneath my room.
And this last few days I also been very very very busy to prepare the progress report of my thesis, because on Monday (28), my Professor will come from Indonesia to HU. Therefore I miss a lot of things around me, such as Health Check. I just realized that when I met chinese people in front of my dorm who talk about the health check. And suddenly I realized that yesterday is the last day of the health check. Oh bad bad bad. Hahaha.. Hope I can still do the health check on Monday. Hahaha..
Hope you find my entry is entertaining and giving new information about Sapporo.
Archive for October 2013
These last few days in Sapporo...

Experience in Sapporo....^^
Now, I already live in Sapporo for 3 months. The first time I came to Hokudai when the trees still green and sometimes raining. But, now the season has already changed and the weather become cold. I realize something that when I live in Hokkaido mostly I go somewhere at the weekend with my friends. So, I want to share some my experience in Sapporo. As I said before, the first time I came here when I join PARE Summer School so I ever go to Sapporo Dome with the other participants.
But, I go there for a different purpose. SHOPPING! Yeah, that's right ! I go there when they hold "Golden Market". Maybe some people know about it. In the golden market you can get clothes or another things with low price and also you can bid the price. Maybe most of them sell the second stuff but if you are lucky you can get the new one. Well, I go there for preparing the winter and I go there with my friends.
See the picture...^^
Yeah, I got new foreigner friends. They came from Philippine, China and South Korea. That's picture take when we had lunch time.
So, you can see those shopping bags were so much because all of my friends newly move from Kita 23 dormitory to their new apato. So they have to buy something for their apartment.
I also ever go to Odori Park or 大通リ 公園 (if I made a mistake for wrong spelling, I'm sorry....^^)
I already 3 times go to Odori Park. The first time when I went with the other PARE participants
So beautiful...! I went there at the night and unfortunately I couldn't go up that tower ... :(
But, I had a nice experience with my friends ...^^
My second time, I go to there with Mao (as my guide) when they held "Autumn Festival"
But, unfortunately I just go there for one hour because Mao had to go.And the third when I went there last week with my Indonesia friend and Chinese friend who newly come back to Sapporo after take one month holiday. Both of them give me some souvenirs for me ....^^
Okay, For now I think already enough share a little my experiences live in Sapporo. Next report, I will tell about my welcome party in my laboratory, go around in Otaru , visit some building after an earthquake occurred in Sapporo and many things .....
Thank you for read my report and enjoy the cooling temperature in Sapporo.
Best regards,
Intan Indriyani Sibarani

My Happiness in Sustainable Resources Engineering
Hello readers!

In Hokkaido University, one of my expectation is to finish my thesis. Actually i have two method to complete my thesis research. Because the others method had already done in Indonesia (Gadjah Mada University). One week ago, i had tried X-Ray Diffraction Analysis for knowing the composition of minerals in sandstone. I had a lot of new knowledge in here. Thanks PARE for the chance!

Picture: It is about X-Ray Diffraction Analysis in Sustainable Resources Engineering
Best Regards,

3 Weeks in Hokkaido
I hope you are always in good condition.
On second week, I started to attend other PARE subject i.e.: “advanced course in environmental adaptation” and “advanced course in global warming assessment”. I also started my study in environmental policy and environmental ethics. The way lectures are conducted here is interesting, quite different with the way I had in my country. There, it is sometime a one-way class approach, while here it is more on interactive approach. The lecturers are attentive and they appreciate students’ opinion and suggestion.
On the third week, I am starting to get used to and enjoying the daily life in Sapporo. Initially, the cold temperature, the language, and also the limited halal food available are challenging for me, but now those things encourage me to try on and embrace new and different things. Below you will find some of documentations. Check it out…

Hi, everyone..
Sapporo is getting cold now. Did you buy winter clothes?
Some of my friends in our laboratory got a cold. I hope you are in a good health.
This is my second report. Now, I have been here almost a month.
My schedule is getting tight, but it will be fun. I went to Japanese language classes three times a week, to make my life easier in here *Smile. The Japanese language is hard to learn but I have a lovely, kindly and funny Sensei so it is easier now. I also took a few classes in Agriculture department and my research will be started next week *Yipiieee... ^^
Last week I spent my weekend with some of PARE member's and also with our beautiful guide Mao'san ^^. We went to Otaru.
I hope someday we can spend our time together with all PARE member's. Thank you Mao'san ^o^.
This is the end of my report. I hope you have a good time in Sapporo, Hokudate, Indonesia, and also Thailand. See you in the next report. ^^

Hardwork in 1st Three weeks in Sapporo
Photo with PARE participants from UGM, ITB, IPB and Kasetsart University |
From Leftt : Miyano,Hidomi, Gotoken, Maeda, Shohei, Murayama, Yoshida (Japan), Loida (Philipina), Moori (Japan) and Me. Center from left : Umezawa Sensei and Matsuda Sensei |

Hello, My name is Chanadda Kasamechotchung. I'm a docteral student at Department of
Aquaculture, Fisheries of Faculty, Kasetsart Univerity form Thailand. I went to Hakodate campus 1 october
2013. My supervisor is Takagi Yasuaki.
Currently I'm training cloning gene techniques such as RNA extraction, First stand DNA, PCR,
Ligation and Transformation.
Check concentration of zebrafish gills RNA
Check concentration of zebrafish muscles RNA
I learned basic Japanese every Wednesday. Introduction to Fisheries Science II every Friday and
Seminar every Monday and Wednesday.
See you again.