Hello everyone~~ 😆 This is Satoka, a student of PARE spring school 2016.
We hokudai students just came back from Thailand last Wednesday, I still can't stand this low temperature in Sapporo, even I am a Dosanko !(Dosanko is who borned and grow in Hokkaido)
From March 6th ~ 22th, it was amazing time ....
First week, we had many lectures and discussion and presentation at Kasetsart University . It was great experience to share the ideas and present in front of other groups, I was inspired a lot from other student's way of thinking.
Next week, we went to field trip along Mae Klong river to do water sampling, also we visited some place like; dams, irrigation center, rice center, SIIT.... Everyday was full of activities, that's why I could sleep well every night.
Thai food is very delicious. especially I like Thai custard with fried something !
Not only from lectures but also through field work, communication with other students, I learned a lot about the water management situation/solution in Thailand.
I am very very happy to be able to attend this program as my very first time to study abroad with international students. Every students is smart, funny, crazy, kind and friendly.
Thank you for teaching me a lot of cultures, languages....
Hope to meet you again in the future.
I love pare students💖
Amazing time in Thailand spring school 2016

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Hokkaido University,
spring school
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