Hello! Sawadii krap! Selamat siang! こんにちは!
I'm Subaru Shimizu from PARE spring school 2016.
It has passed already one week since we've come back to Japan from Thailand.
I'm still excited remembering the days we spent together.
During the program, we had so many lectures, discussions and presentations as I cannot count.
Of course, it was really tough experience for me.
While the first several days, I felt it difficult to make myself understood and stayed silent caring about my poor English.
However, day by day, I noticed the importance of telling idea especially when discussion.
When I tried to tell my idea to my group members, they listened carefully to me.
One member agreed with me, another gave me related idea.
It's trivial thing but it meant a lot to me.
After that, I got to be able to share my idea with the members.
I was really lucky I had such nice group members.
My group members from group 4
Through this program, I faced many difficulties.
However, for sure, this experience has made me grown a lot.
I would like to say big thank you to everyone involved in this program.
Thank you very much for all the people PARE staffs, professors, friends!
I hope we can see each other again somewhere in the world!
Till the day, see you!
Spicy days in Thailand

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