Looking back this month

Hello, everyone. This is Haruka in IPB, from Hokkaido University. It’s already the end of November.. Time passes so quickly, ya..
Here, I would like to look back activities in this month.

Regarding research, I started data collection from the end of October. My research is about child health and parental practices. I interviewed mothers (sometimes fathers) in villages about their practice of feeding children, health service utilization, and so on. I also interviewed village leaders, kader (volunteer women who work in health center) and midwives.

My friends helped me a lot..

We had some difficulty in research, for instance, making appointments. Some respondents are so busy to make appointments. Moreover, due to “jam karet (flexible time)”, we had to postpone interview many times. Through research activities, I got toughness and became more patient!

Besides research, I visit some places around Bogor.

My senior student and her family took me to park (I forgot the name..).
The park had many kinds of animal.

My friend’s supervisor in soil science invited me to Jasinga.
Very huge oil palm plantation..

Visited Taman Mini with friends..

We enjoyed traditional housing and clothes.

And I gave a presentation to undergraduate students on Japanese parenting.
There were many students in the class.. This was the first time for me to give a lecture, but I really enjoyed it! I could communicate with many undergraduate students.

I have only one month left to stay here. I’ve not been to distant places from Bogor yet.. Before I leave, I MUST go somewhere!

Thank you for reading all! See you again!

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