Soil Sampling and Cave Visiting day in Toma, Kamikawa District_

A week ago (23 October 2014) I went to Toma, Kamikawa District near Asahikawa with my Sensei and my Lab friends to visit a cave and do soil sampling  for our lab's experiment. To go to Toma we ride a car for 2 hours from Sapporo.

Toma cave was designated as Hokkaido Natural Monument at 1961, but nowaday people can visit this cave with pay 500 yen, quite cheap right.. Nowadays the cave already fully equipped by savety supply like stairs, thus the visitor can enjoy sight seeing the narrow cave savely. They instaled stairs, colorful lamp, CCTV and the other things to make sure the cave can be save enough for visitor.

The things that make this cave special is the transparentcy of calcite crystalization which is rare and different from other cave. The cristalization of the calcite occured through 100 year or maybe longer. Our lab member believe that the transparentcy of the calcite occured by microorganism influence, that's the main reason why we visited this cave.

In this cave we also can see some coins (money) in a few area, they said many people came and thrown the money in some area to pray, they believe if they pray in the cave something good will happened.

After visiting the cave our lab member go to the field, small forest and also hill to collect soil to do soil sampling for our experiment. My friend Jun almost did all the sampling by himself, quite dilligent isn't he? He's so nice and helpful, thanks for everythings Junjun~

In that day, we also experienced many interesting moment beside visiting the cave and did soil sampling; we catch grasshopper, found several mushroom, eat delicious udon at Asahikawa and had a funny talk with everyone..

That day was so fun and great for me, can't really wait to share my other experience again.. see you really soon~

-Charisa Glesiandra-

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