You guess what???
It's October and the leaves' color are changing~~~
"October".....That means a new semester in Hokkaido University starts here....
I feel like every month in Hokudai is always special in their own ways......
I'll tell you how special my October is~~~
Because this is another new semester....that means in Hokkaido university, we have many new students......for my laboratory [Laboratory of Mineral Processing and Resources Recycling], we have 5 new students from Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and South Korea....
So, We definitely have to hold a welcome party for them....YEAH

Speaking of welcome party, we also have welcome BBQ party for Thai students' community in Hokkaido

I also went to Toyoha minewater treatment plant for a field trip....
The mine was closed in 2006 due to depletion of ore. Now, they installed water treatment facilities to treat water from underground mine site and taillings dam.
The facility is so important because the released water from these facilities is used to produce tap water in Sapporo city area.

Even this is new semester and have new students, this doesn't mean it would be the start of everyone's new year in their study.....
Normally, Japanese students start their first semester in April. So, for them, this is the half point of their year....
Especially for Japanese 4th year of Bachelor degree, this time of the year has one of their most important events for their future......
The event is called 中間発表 (Chuukan Happyou) means Half point presentation.....
They will make a poster and presentation about their research until now and what they plan to do after this.....
So, my laboratory's seminars in this month are usually used to prepare and review their experiment results......

This month, we also have another invited special lecturer from Germany.
His name is "Marcus Plien". He has many real experiences in real mining industry and has very good way to present them to the students...
Even I joined his class twice in Thailand, I still want to join his lecture this time too....
It was another wonderful experience form learning with him again....

In this month, we also held a reunion party for PARE member....we ate nabe together
It was such a long time since we met together as a large group as this time....

There are so many things happened this month....I wonder why there are so many important things keep coming one after another.....
This month my friend from highschool from Thailand also came to Hokkaido for sightseeing. So, I and my friend went to have dinner together....for the food that very famous in Hokkaido....
Such as Sushi, Soup Curry

I think this starts to be a little bit too long now.....
So, See you next time~~~~~