Hi again~~~
As always, my life while joining the PARE is full of unexpected and joyful events....
After my friends went back after their internship, another new page of happiness started, PARE Summer school 2015~~~
The schedule for this Summer school is quite tight......we have class and activities from 9:00 - 17:00 everyday~~~
Friends from Thailand in their first day in Japan
Next day, PARE summer school officially started and we have presentation together for each country's important river basin.
Chulalongkorn University students in PARE Summer school 2015
Even we come from different university, but that doesn't matter
Even come from different country, that also doesn't matter
We can passed that moment together......
Then, in this Summer school, we worked together as interdisciplinary group with different nationality, from different field of study, but our heart and our ideas can united as one to create the best idea for our future~~~
We have many group discussion together.......
Tour around together.....
Went through many field trips together.....
Have dinners together........
We went to Otaru together in our free day ^-^
To be continued.......
Pangpond's PARE Summer School: Part 1
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