Dear reader…
In this my second report of December 2013, I will share my activities. It begins by farewell party of Linda-san on early December 2013. She was CENSUS member and registered as Lecturer in Universitas Palangkaraya Indonesia. In the same time we also celebrate new marriage couple –Dulbert and his wife-, he is one of STRASS alumni which is one of CENSUS leadership program.

My next activity is IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change) Symposium on 10th December 2013 in Keio Plaza Hotel. There is obligatory for student including me who took “Advance Course on Global Warming Assessment” to attend this symposium. On that event, there are many topics such as “climate change and the work of IPCC”, “new scientific findings on climate change” and “climate change and Hokkaido”, etc. I was very excited to join this event because my research is related to the climate change and carbon emission.
On 18th December 2013, I went to Sapporo Illumination in Odori Park with Della-san. We saw various beautiful light in the form of animal etc. There are some store that sell unique stuff and special goods for Christmas. Santa-clause also been there. The interesting one is most of the foreign stuff came from Munich Germany. After that I saw the city view from TV tower. I could feel a slight vibration when I stand in the top of the tower.

On 23rd December 2013, I attended Bounenkai with NSI Sapporo, PPI (Indonesian Student Association) Hokkaido and PPI Sapporo in L-Plaza. Organizing committee has done a good job. It seems that they had already well prepare. The event start from cooking Indonesian food "Bakso and bakwan", dinner, presentation of Manado city, sing, play game of Bingo and the last is fashion show wear Kebaya.
Thanks for read my post…