Archive for December 2013
as usual

Christmas in Sapporo
Hello everyone,

Bonenkai party
Hello everyone...
Beside that, I have bonenkai party with my lab member (Matsuda sensei's lab member) at a restaurant in sapporo station on December, 19th. This is the first experience for me and we start with "kanpai!!!"
I have difficulty in ordering food menu. This is because I am a Muslim and should not eat pork and other meat except halal meat. Therefore, I just ordered a seafood, noodles, potatoes and vegetables. In this party, for my first time trying the sashimi, and maybe I do not want to eat it again because I had difficulty swallowing. However, I like this party. We joke and have fun until late at night.

Climate Change Symposium in between various parties

My next activity is IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change) Symposium on 10th December 2013 in Keio Plaza Hotel. There is obligatory for student including me who took “Advance Course on Global Warming Assessment” to attend this symposium. On that event, there are many topics such as “climate change and the work of IPCC”, “new scientific findings on climate change” and “climate change and Hokkaido”, etc. I was very excited to join this event because my research is related to the climate change and carbon emission.

Bounenkai NSI
Hello everyone,
Yesterday, i attended Bounenkai NSI in L-Plaza. I was so excited because in that event, we want to cook "Bakso", "Bakwan Jagung", and "Puding". I arrived at L-Plaza at 13.30. I helped Isma-san to cook "Bakso" or meat ball in the common name. So excited. "Bakso" is famous food in Indonesia. I really love "Bakso". Sometimes, i miss "Bakso" in Indonesia. I just go to the Kedai Kita (Indonesian Restaurant) in Sapporo to eat "Bakso".
After that, my friend and i showed the dancing of Ampar-Ampar Pisang from Kalimantan Island. It was the second time i showed that dancing, the first in Ishikari World Festival and the second in Bounenkai Party. Overall, my family and i success to show the dance of Ampar-Ampar Pisang. One of my friend from Indonesia showed Pendet's dancing from Bali. So beautiful!
What a embarrassed! Because i must show Narumi's Kebaya Collection in front of Japanese people and Indonesian people. It was the first time i do that. But, i think it was a good experience in my life. Narumi-san is Japanese people who love Indonesia. She collects a lot of Kebaya. Kebaya is traditional clothes from Indonesia. I used orange's Kebaya. It was so nice.

Travel to Chiangmai

2nd Report on December

Hello, every body.
The last weekend I traveled to the Kiroro resort with Thai student in
Hokkaido (about thirty five people). I spent seven hours to this place from
Hakodate. The ski resort is very beautiful and I met a lot of people from children
to the elderly because ski and snowboard most popular sport in the winter and
it is the best time are ever for play it.
Kiroro resort |
Thai student in Hokkaido |
snowboard playing taught the basic for beginner to step by step.
Today I can play a little bit. But I enjoyed and want to play again.
P.L. Christmas and New year are coming soon. I wish every one is very happy and
See u next year,

My second report of December
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An experiment in my laboratory training |
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Opening the Christmas Fantasy at Hakodate Bay Area |

Bonenkai and Farewell Party
Almost two months my internship from Poland came to my laboratory. He came to my lab because in my lab there is some program like exchange student from AGH to Hokkaido University and also from Hokkaido University to AGH. At Thursday, all of students who join this program have to present about their research and experience life. So, at Thursday night we have farewell party and also bonenkai party for my lab. We also have to big clean up our lab at December 25th.
In Thursday, I also get lecturer about corrosion from Thailand teacher. From that lecture, I can identify and determine some case in Thailand. I also still have to revise my research until I get right. Thanks for give me this chance. See you next report ...^^

As usual

First experiment

Second report of my December

the winter is coming