Dear PARE members with wish your happiness:)
On July 27th at 18:30-19:30,
there was [PARE Pre-departure Orientation Session] at Hokkaido University
for PARE students! (Hosting by PARE Central Office)
With using internet system, we could see and talk with 6 Universities which
join [intensive summer school] and[semester long] program.
The attending Universities are;
*Hokkaido University (Japan, Host)
*Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia)
*Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
*Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indosesia)
*Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
*Kasetsart University (Thailand)
*Thammasat University (Thailand)
We are really glad to see all 6 university's PARE members! and
Thank you so much for tring to connect Internet even though it was a little comprecated!
We really look forward to seeing you soon and thank you for your kind support for PARE:)!
Pre--departure Orientation Session on June27th

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Central Office
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