uploading my memories In indonesia 1 (Yogja, Jakarta)

it doubles with te

* Borobudur in Yogjakarta
This is the largest Buddhist temple of the world's at east jawa.

with a Japanese Friend

we can borrow salon (likes a loincloth)

the capital city of Indonesia

city view

MONAS (National Monument)
 biggest Mosque in South Asia

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One Response to uploading my memories In indonesia 1 (Yogja, Jakarta)

  1. Dear Mr. Takano!Thank you so mcuh for showing your great pictures! We are so glad to see you are having great experiences in Indonesia:) Hope you can have a lot of friends and can learn about your study! Please take care of your self and come back safety to Japan! We are really looking forward to hearning your story of studying in Bandung soon:)!!
